Information about discounts available in our store:
First Order - 10% discount on the first purchase, applies to all items except for the Equipment category!
We also have a loyalty points discount system:
For every $100 spent, you receive 10 points.
Upon accumulating 100 points, you receive a 10% discount on your next order.
Points are accrued for ALL items in the store (including the Equipment category).
Register on the website and enjoy our loyalty program.
As a pleasant bonus for registration, you will receive 50 points.
We deliver to any state in the USA.
Standard delivery takes 3-5 business days, you can choose Priority Mail and Express Mail options.
We also offer Free Shipping for orders over $100 on all items.
You will be able to see the shipping price in the cart at checkout.
For cooperation and wholesale purchases, please contact by:
Phone number: +1 (347) 444-9044
How to earn your points
Spending your hard-earned points is easy! Simply apply your points for a discount at checkout!
Accumulate points by executing these missions
All rewards
Earn more points for different actions, and turn those points into awesome rewards.